The Empower Partnerships project is a prestigious, two-way international exchange program for organizations working on or interested in working on disability-related issues and inclusion as articulated in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). International (non-U.S.) applicants will apply for the exchange as a two-organization partnership team and, if selected, will be matched with a U.S. partner organization.  Each non-U.S. partnership team will send two representatives to a professional exchange program in the U.S., hosted by MIUSA in Eugene, Oregon, and by their U.S. partner organization in another U.S. city. U.S. and non-U.S. partner representatives will conclude the U.S. exchange at the Empower Partnerships Forum in Washington, D.C. In turn, non-U.S. partner teams will host a representative of their U.S. partner organization in a professional exchange in their country.  

THE EMPOWER PARTNERSHIPS PROJECT: This project is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State and is administered by Mobility International USA (MIUSA).

In recognition of the importance the United States places on embracing diversity, ending discrimination, removing barriers, and upholding the rights, dignity, and equal opportunity for all people both within the U.S. and around the world.

Out of the 20 organizations selected by Mobility International USA (MIUSA) to form teams, Treasureland Health Builders Initiative and Disability Policy & Advocacy Initiative (DPAI) are In-Country Partners called Team Nigeria,
peered with the Initiative for Women with Disabilities to participate in the Empower partnerships Program.

Disability Policy Advocacy Initiative (DPAI)
Treasureland Health Builders Initiative
Initiative for Women with Disabilities (IWD)

Team Focus
Healthcare delivery and service access for people with disabilities.

Advocacy for inclusive and assessable healthcare services for persons with disabilities in Lagos Nigeria

The project would directly and indirectly benefit women and girls with disabilities. There will be particular consideration for gender based disability health issues particularly with regards to women and girls reproductive health and general hygiene. Women and girls will be involve in the planning and implementation of activities in other to better voice what their reproductive health issues are for better implementation. They will also be involved in the development and administration of the M & E tool in different health facilities.

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